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Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count)

Low sperm count, Nil sperm count

Oligozoospermia: is a male condition characterised by low sperm count. According to WHO to get a female conceived a need to ejaculate at least 15million/ml of sperms and out of which at least 50% should be actively motile.

Azoospermia: is a condition where male semen is devoid of sperms or nil sperms are detected in the semen. This male cannot produce children and are termed as sterile. (or Banjh)


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Teratozoospermia : is where sperms are present but their shapes are mutilated. A male sperm has got a shape divided into 3 parts, Head, Body, and tail. Every part is specialised and performs different function. Head has got acrosome, it helps in breaking the wall of ovum, body contains the genetic material and tail helps in giving the movement to the sperm.

Necrozoospermia : is a condition where sperms are present in the semen but they are dead. So, this is also not good for conceiving a female.

In couples where females are unable to conceive, 40 -50% chances are there of male infertility or Low sperm Count. Now here it is important to understand is why do we need a sperm count in males? How many sperms are needed for fertilizing an egg, just one. But then why do need a certain number 15m/ml of semen and 3 to 5 ml of semen means a man is ejaculating 45 to 75 million sperms per ejaculation. In our practice of 20 years, we have observed during early years in 2000 approximate sperm count of males were 60 to 100million/ml. and the WHO standards were >than 50 million/ml to be normal count. But in these 20 years count has come down to 20 to 40 million/ml. And WHO standard also coming down to 15million/ml. A recent study in Israel also confirms the data that male sperm count has reduced by more than 50% in last 2 decades.

This is very interesting to understand and motivating too. As discussed earlier that the place where sperms are dropped to the egg is about 14 to 18 cm. it is a long distance for a tiny particle like sperm to travel so far. You can imagine out of 1 million only 1% reach the tube and approx. 200 to the egg. Out of them only 1 is able to penetrate the walls of ovum. Now you can understand how difficult it is to take birth for a sperm to take shape as a life. And if you face hardships in your life and you feel depressed or you have suicidal thoughts just imagine you have defeated more than 10cr sperms to reach to the top and take birth. Now be thankful and fight for survival.

Also, you can understand why there so many boys after every girl or why do boys circle around females this journey starts before the birth itself as there is only one egg available in one month but sperms in each ejaculate of man is approx. 10cr. Coming back to the question, why do we need so many of them research says that the distance from where sperms are dropped to reaching the egg can be covered only when a herd moves together. According to a study observed that the average pregnancy rate of couples in which the male partner had a sperm count between 5 and 60 million/mL was 50%. The pregnancy rate increased to 70% in couples with average sperm counts over 60 million/ml.

Causes of oligospermia

Diagnosis with semen analysis.


Ayurvedic medicines has remarkably good success rate in treating the low sperm count.

What can help?

At our clinic we have more than 95% success rate in the treatment of oligospermia. Average duration treatment varies between 2 to 4 months depending upon how low is the count?

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